Thinking outside the box: Distributed architecture to meet new challenges for openly published research data
Princeton University Library is performing software and data migration along with rapid technological development with the goal of making sustainable, robust software to support our digital repository service and to address the emerging needs of research data today and in the future. Traditionally, options for this type of work include “boxed” systems that have interdependent components for object storage, description, presentation, and preservation. These systems often lack the flexibility to support emerging metadata standards, or to integrate with other infrastructures, and tend to have brittle, extremely time-costly upgrade processes that can result in data loss. This poster will cover our approach for supporting openly published research data with our newly-developed software, as well as our efficient, flexible approach to creating an ecosystem of services capable of being extended to connect with campus partners at Princeton and beyond. In presenting our institution’s solution and future plans, we hope to generate a rich discussion with others sharing these common problems in support of digital repositories.