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Text Analysis & Constellate: the technology and the Lab

Constellate offers a comprehensive and easily accessible program that helps your community develop text analysis and data mining competencies, along with related skills, through multiple modes of learning and hands-on application with tens of millions of texts from JSTOR, Portico, and other open source providers. In this workshop Amy Kirchhoff (Constellate business manager) and Matt Lincoln (Senior Software Engineer) will introduce Constellate and discuss its teaching & learning focus. We will then discuss the technology that drives the service and our implementation choices: including the challenges of ingesting content from multiple sources, our front and backend technologies to support visualizations and searching, and the technology details of the Constellate Lab (a cloud based computing environment.) In the latter half of the session we will try doing some text analysis in the Constellate Lab and discuss how to use your own Jupyter notebooks.



9:00am - 12:00pm
Eastern Time
Julis Romo Rabinowitz Hall - A01