North Carolina Central University
Speaker Bio for Dr. Siobahn Day Grady
Dr. Siobahn Grady is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences and the director of the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Equity Research (LAIER) at North Carolina Central University, the only ALA-Accredited Library School at an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). Dr. Grady’s research is focused on using machine learning to identify sources of misinformation on social media, and on improving fault detection in autonomous vehicles. Dr. Grady is an IF/THEN Ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a program which seeks to bring more women and minorities into hard sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. Dr. Grady was the first woman to graduate with a computer science Ph.D. from N.C. A&T State University, and through her teaching, research, philanthropy and public speaking she is a passionate supporter of HBCUs and the students they serve. Code4Lib would benefit from learning about her work at LAIER and about her vision for minority girls’ and women’s futures in technology fields.
Profile Image Description
A smiling half-Chinese half white woman with long dark brown hair.
Speaker Bio for Dr. Lydia Tang
Dr. Lydia Tang is an Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for Lyrasis. Previously, she held archivist positions at Michigan State University, the Library of Congress, and numerous graduate positions at the University of Illinois, where she received her MLIS and Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Passionate about accessibility and disability representation in archives, she served on the Task Force to Revise the Best Practices on Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities and spearheaded founding the Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) Accessibility & Disability Section (ADS). She is the 2020 recipient of SAA’s Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award and was recognized in three SAA Council resolutions as a co-founder of the Archival Workers Emergency Fund, for spearheading the Accessibility & Disability Section’s “Archivists at Home” document, and for the “Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities.” In addition to her professional service with SAA, she has contributed to accessibility initiatives within DLF Digital Accessibility Working Group and the ArchivesSpace open source software community by leading the Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group, Development Prioritization subteam, founding the Usability subteam, and chairing the Users Advisory Council. She has written about accessible physical archival spaces, hiring and advancement practices, and is currently co-editing a book with Dr. Gracen Brilmeyer, Preserving Disability: Disability and the Archival Profession.
Talks and Workshops
Senior Software Engineer
Harvard University
Profile Image Description
Professional photo of a mid-30s brunette curly-haired woman with blue eyes and a big smile with a friendly expression.
Speaker Bio for Katie Amaral
Katie Amaral is a Senior Software Engineer in Library Technology Services (LTS) at Harvard University. She has a master's degree in Computer Information Systems from Boston University. She has a background in security and wrote much of the code for the IIIF Authentication and Authorization services. She writes code in a variety of languages and frameworks such as JavaScript (NodeJS), TypeScript (Angular), and Python. She has experience with DevOps tools including Docker and Ansible. She is currently working along with her teammates to design, standardize, and build automated CI/CD pipelines for a variety of library systems across the university.
Talk: International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) infrastructure redesign at Harvard Library
Speaker Bio for Ben Armintor
Clinical Assistant Professor & Web Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago Library
Profile Image Description
A picture of Allan Berry from the shoulders up, against a gray background.
Speaker Bio for Allan Berry
Assistant Director
Virginia Tech
Profile Image Description
The individual in the photograph is an Asian man with short black hair, wearing glasses and a white shirt. ~ by ChatGPT.
Speaker Bio for Yinlin Chen
Dr. Yinlin Chen is an assistant director at Virginia Tech University Libraries, specializing in cloud computing and serverless architecture on AWS. He teaches an "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" course in the Computer Science department and has presented works and workshops related to machine learning and serverless computing at conferences. His research interests include machine learning, cloud computing, natural language processing, and information retrieval.
Workshop: Code4AI
Digital Preservation Librarian
Yale University Library
Profile Image Description
A photograph of a man with short brown hair, wearing glasses and a gray collared shirt, standing in front of a tan office divider.
Speaker Bio for David Cirella
David Cirella is a Digital Preservation Librarian at Yale University Library. In this role he works with stakeholders from around the institution towards the long-term preservation of their digital content. His areas of interest include digital forensics, programming, and information retrieval.
Head - Research Optimization, Analytics, and Data Services
Montana State University Library
Speaker Bio for Jason A. Clark
Librarian @msulibrary, professor, hacker, author, footballer, skateboarder, fly-fisher, dogwalker, coffee brewer - "I am large, I contain multitudes." In my work, I have focused on Semantic Web development, digital library development, metadata and data modeling, web services and APIs, search engine optimization, and interface design. More recently, I have started to look at algorithmic literacy and machine UX - how bots and AI create particular types of user experiences and knowledge patterns.
Talk: Responsible AI: Building Tools and Frameworks for Transparent and Ethical AI Implementations
Software Engineer
California Digital Library
Speaker Bio for Charlie Collett
Charlie is a Software Engineer for the California Digital Library at the University of California. His current responsibilities include processing and managing metadata for HathiTrust and exploring the use of AI for metadata-related tasks.
Software Developer
Princeton University
Speaker Bio for Hector Correa
Software developer at the Princeton University Library.
Workshop: Solr for newbies
Speaker Bio for Stefano Cossu
Digital Collections Specialist
Library of Congress
Speaker Bio for Kristy Darby
Talk: Developing Scripts to Scale Out Open Access E-book Acquisitions at the Library of Congress
Systems Librarian
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Profile Image Description
Cartoon avatar of a quite pale white bespectacled brunette geek girl whose open downturned mouth is adamantly advocating an important point or three. A bookcase is behind her.
Speaker Bio for Kate Deibel
Dr. Kate Deibel is a longstanding advocate for accessibility and usability in library technologies. She has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington but would much rather talk about web comics, chili peppers, her cat, technology adoption, and changing the world. She briefly left libraries for industry but is happily back working as PCOM Library's systems librarian.
Talk: Going Beyond Better Than Nothing: Accessibility and Archives
Digital Humanities Specialist
HathiTrust Research Center & iSchool, University of Illinois
Speaker Bio for Ryan Dubnicek
Ryan is a Digital Humanities Specialist with HathiTrust Research Center where he works in cultural analytics research, digital tool and dataset design, user support, outreach, and instruction.
Workshop: HathiTrust Research Center Extracted Features API and Visualization Workshop
Senior Software Engineer
Stanford University
Speaker Bio for Naomi Dushay
Naomi Dushay is a software engineer at Stanford University Libraries, working on a team with Aaron Collier, Mike Giarlo and other Code4Lib notables. She has worked in the digital library field since 1990 (cough). Professionally, she is interested in improving discovery of assets, maintainability of code and providing quality assessments of metadata as early as possible in its lifecycle.
Talk: A Dashboard Might Help Maintenance for Your Backend Service
Columbia University Libraries
Director Busines Development
Speaker Bio for James English
James English currently works as Director of Business Development at The Palace Project | Lyrasis where conducts business development activities, partnership development, and new market entry as part of The Palace Project division team. He also works across other company open source programs to help build scalable and sustainable services and drive innovation. Prior to Lyrasis James worked at The New York Public Library to create the Library Simplified Program and SimplyE platform. Before coming to work in the non-profit sector, James was Chief Product and Executive Officer of Telemetry Labs and as Chief Product and Operations Officer for Guardian Networks, both web and mobile product development service providers specializing in machine-to-machine technology development, R&D and managed services for utilities, municipalities and fortune 500 companies
Head of Software Development
National Library of Wales
Speaker Bio for Dan Field
Dan has worked for 20 years at NLW in Software Develolpment roles where he manages a small team of developers who support the Library's many large-scale digitisation workflows and discovery platforms. NLW have over 5.5 million digital objects managed in their Digital Asset Manageent System, with multiple custom discovery interfaces.
Software Engineer
Stanford University
Profile Image Description
A white, freckle-faced male with blue eyes, chin-length curly dark brown hair, and a beard is smiling in front of a light green wall. He is wearing a green t-shirt and a grey & green Seattle Supersonics baseball cap.
Speaker Bio for Mike Giarlo
Mike Giarlo is a software engineer at Stanford University Libraries, working on a team designing and developing software for long-term access to the University’s research and cultural assets. His focus is on development and maintenance of the Stanford Digital Repository and collaboration with open source communities.
Talk: How to Rebuild a Jumbo Jet at 30,000 Feet: Strategies for Digital Library Migration
Fedora Program Manager
Speaker Bio for Arran Griffith
Arran comes to the open-source, library technology world with a diverse background and unique perspective on engaging communities and building meaningful connections. As the Fedora Program Manager, she acts as a strategic liaison between the program's governance groups and community stakeholders to oversee that key objectives are being met and that the program continues to evolve and grow. Arran previously served as Community Outreach Coordinator for the Fedora Program before taking on the full-time role as Program Manager in May 2022. Prior to joining Lyrasis, Arran led large sales teams in high-volume retail where her commitment to customer experience, and people management skills were the driving force in her successes. She has a BSc in Biology from Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB Canada.
Digital Services Librarian
Loyola University Chicago
Profile Image Description
Welcoming smile with dark lipstick; wearing a blue sleeveless dress. My hair is blond in this photo but normally is light brown.
Speaker Bio for Margaret Heller
Margaret Heller has been Digital Services Librarian at Loyola University Chicago for ten years. An active participant in many library professional organizations including Code4Lib, she currently serves as president of Core, a division of the American Library Association. She the author of the 2019 book Community Technology Projects: Making Them Work.
Talk: Documenting Movements: Mukurtu as a platform for contemporary video archive
Digital Content and Collections Coordinator
University of Michigan
Profile Image Description
A young Han Chinese person wearing a black shirt and wire-rimmed glasses gazes forwards with a neutral expression. A white fringe of bleached hair peaks out from underneath a black wide-brimmed hat.
Speaker Bio for Jackson Huang
Jackson Huang is a library technologist whose work focuses on the intersections of structural politics and technological infrastructure in libraries and archives. Their research explores metadata translation and digital aggregations on the representation of materials related to the history of marginalized communities. They currently work as the digital collections and content ingest coordinator at the University of Michigan.
Talk: Programmatically Assisted Approaches to Improving Digital Collections Metadata
Scholarly Communication Technologies Librarian
Columbia University
Profile Image Description
A woman, dressed in black, smiles at the camera in an attempt to be charming.
Speaker Bio for Esther Jackson
Esther Jackson works in the Digital Scholarship unit of the Columbia University Libraries where she interacts with all manner of library technologies, contributes to libraries system management and partner relationships, and manages a variety of projects. Esther loves messy data, metadata, and python.
Library IT Systems Administrator
Princeton University
Profile Image Description
A slightly tanned and freckled white woman with brown hair wearing rounded brown eyeglasses, looking happy and professional, and wearing a dark green top with a light gray blazer. There is a dark gray backdrop behind her.
Speaker Bio for Vickie Karasic
Vickie joined Princeton University Library in June 2022 as the inaugural Library IT Systems Administrator, providing support and instruction around several library-wide applications and assisting with network infrastructure, security, and maintenance. Previously, her work focused on teaching, research, and learning within educational technology, library spaces, and subject collections. Vickie holds an MLIS from Drexel University, MA in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University, and BA in Comparative Literature and French from Cornell University.
Associate Head of IT
North Carolina State University Libraries
Profile Image Description
A middle-aged white man with short brown hair and a goatee with beard, both of which are sparkled with white, wearing a dark gray sport coat and light gray sweater vest over a light blue dress shirt, smiling at a bad joke he just made.
Speaker Bio for Mike Kastellec
I lead the core infrastructure and developer support team at the NC State Libraries. Before that, I was a Libraries Fellow. Before that, I supported technology in public libraries. I am not a coder, but I could play one on TV.
Associate University Librarian for IT
University of Michigan
Profile Image Description
A headshot of a middle-aged short-haired woman wearing glasses against a plain background.
Speaker Bio for Bohyun Kim
Bohyun Kim is Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan Library. She is the author of three books: Moving Forward with Digital Disruption (2020), Understanding Gamification (2015), and Library Mobile Experience: Practices and User Expectations (2013). She published many articles and is a frequent speaker at international and national conferences on topics related to emerging technologies. She is the former President (2018-2019) of the Library and Information Technology Association and served on many advisory boards and committees including those of American Library Association, San Jose State University’s School of Information, and Rhode Island Library Association.
Talk: Caught between Clarity and Flexibility: How to Better Plan Development and IT Work
Educator & Fabricator
Speaker Bio for Brandon "bk" Klevence
Brandon, who goes by "bk", is currently a 9-12 Tech and Engineering instructor based in Northern NJ. His roots are in industrial design, electronics fabrication, and makerspace development. He was a founding member of the MakerJawn Initiative in Philadelphia Free Library system.
Workshop: It’s Electric! (How to boogie with a soldering iron, safely)
Senior Manager
Constellate, ITHAKA
Profile Image Description
A middle-aged, Caucasian woman with glasses and specks of grey hair interspersed with her blonde against a colorful doodle.
Speaker Bio for Amy Kirchhoff
Amy Kirchhoff enjoys her long career at JSTOR, Portico and ITHAKA. She started her career working in the JSTOR technology group and then worked for Portico as the Archive Service Product Manager. She is currently the Senior Manager for Constellate, a new text-analysis service from ITHAKA, which helps users across all disciplines learn essential text analysis and data skills.
Workshop: Text Analysis & Constellate: the technology and the Lab
Research Scholar
ARK Alliance
Speaker Bio for John Kunze
John Kunze is a pioneer in the theory and practice of digital libraries. With a background in computer science and mathematics, he wrote BSD Unix software tools that come pre-installed with Mac and Linux systems. He created the ARK identifier scheme, the N2T.net scheme-agnostic resolver (which redirects over 600 kinds of CURIEs, or “compact identifiers”), and contributed heavily to the first standards for URLs (RFC1736, RFC1625, RFC2056), for library search and retrieval (Z39.50), for archival transfer (BagIt - RFC8493), for web archiving (WARC), and for metadata (RFC2413, RFC2731, ANSI/NISO Z39.85). His specs and tools for repository microservices – Pairtree, Namaste, ReDD, oxum, ERC/ANVL, TEMPER, THUMP – may be found in such places as the HathiTrust and OCFL. Follow-on work in metadata includes creation of the Dublin Kernel and Yamz.net. His current work focus is the ARK Alliance (arks.org), Yamz, and the DWeb.
Coordinator, Scholarly Communications
McGill University
Speaker Bio for Jessica Lange
Jessica Lange is the Coordinator, Scholarly Communications at McGill University Library. In this role, she provides services to the campus community in the areas of open access, publishing, author rights, and open educational resources (OERs). She also manages the McGill's institutional repository and its scholarly publishing program. Her research interests include labour in academic journal editorial boards as well as scholarly communications literacy.
Talk: Managing systems with care: What about the maintenance phase?
IT Operations Fellow
Princeton University Library
Speaker Bio for Robert-Anthony Lee-Faison
Robert is a North Carolina native and the Princeton University Library IT Operations Fellow. He helps to develop the applications to support the library system of Princeton University, with experience in Systems Administration, Web Development and Software Programming. Robert enjoys gaming, music, traveling, and lives for peaceful moments spent in nature.
Sr. Data Projects Strategist
New York University (NYU)
Profile Image Description
Headshot picture of a black-haired woman in flowered dress.
Speaker Bio for Nancy Lin
Nancy Lin is Sr. Data Projects Strategist at New York University Libraries where she is developing e-reader apps, NYU bookstore and library integrations, and Open Access resources. She focuses on improving access to e-resources through the promotion of open standards and interoperability. She also serves an administrator of NYU’s library services platform. Prior to working at NYU, she spent decades developing electronic publishing products at Oxford University Press, John Wiley & Sons, and ACLS. She has an MLIS from the University of Michigan and a BA from Cornell University.
Talk: Open Access Ebooks: Proliferation and duplication across too many platforms
Senior Software Engineer
Profile Image Description
White male in his mid 30s, a bit scruffy, smiling confidently down at the camera because he's taking a selfie. He's wearing black, thick-rimmed rectangular glasses.
Speaker Bio for Dr. Matt Lincoln
Dr. Matthew Lincoln is a senior software engineer for text and data mining at JSTOR Labs working on Constellate. He earned his PhD in Art History at the University of Maryland, College Park, and has formerly held positions at the National Gallery of Art, the Getty Research Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, technical lead of The Programming Historian, and as a co-project director of the NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant Freedom and the Press Before Freedom of the Press: Tools, Data, and Methods for Researching Secret Printing.
Workshop: Text Analysis & Constellate: the technology and the Lab
Software developer
Stanford University Libraries
Speaker Bio for Justin Littman
Talk: How to Rebuild a Jumbo Jet at 30,000 Feet: Strategies for Digital Library Migration
Head, Digital Media Software Development
Indiana University Libraries
Profile Image Description
Casual selfie of a white woman with long brunette hair and brown eyes taken in the middle of a run on a pier with Lake Michigan in the background
Speaker Bio for Emily Lynema
Emily recently became the Head of Digital Media Software Development at the Indiana University Libraries (Bloomington). She leads a team of developers (and a PO!) that support the Avalon Media System, an open source platform in the Samvera community for managing and accessing digital audiovisual materials. The group is also building the Audiovisual Metadata Platform, a tool for collection managers to use machine learning/AI tools to generate metadata for AV media. Prior to that, she was the Head of IT at NC State University Libraries.
Talk: AMPlifying AV: leveraging artificial intelligence to create metadata for audiovisual collections
Metadata and Catalog Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
Speaker Bio for Sara Mannheimer
Talk: Responsible AI: Building Tools and Frameworks for Transparent and Ethical AI Implementations
Speaker Bio for Greer Martin
Talk: Documenting Movements: Mukurtu as a platform for contemporary video archive
Senior Software Engineer
Profile Image Description
A white man with a short red beard and brown hair in front of a light gray wall smiles at the camera with what he hopes is warmth but suspects is not. He's wearing glasses and a navy suit jacket.
Speaker Bio for Ryan McCarthy
Ryan is a software engineer with JSTOR Labs at Ithaka, where he works on the JSTOR Access in Prisons Initiative. His interests outside of software are wide ranging and include watercolor painting, early modern theater, and the liberatory potential of both education and technology.
Talk: Breaking into Prison: Bringing Library Resources to Incarcerated Learners
University of Notre Dame
Profile Image Description
Eric is a librarian who works at the University of Notre Dame.
Speaker Bio for Eric Lease Morgan
Eric Lease Morgan is a librarian working in the Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame where he provides text mining and natural language processing services to the University community. He does data science with words.
Open Source Community Advocate
Index Data
Profile Image Description
Middle-aged white male in a green polo shirt set against a sky-blue background.
Speaker Bio for Peter Murray
Peter received an MLIS from Simmons College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Analysis from Miami University. His current activities include building relationships among libraries, organizations, and service providers participating in the FOLIO library services platform and ReShare resource sharing projects. He blogs at "The Disruptive Library Technology Jester" about the rapid advancement of library services in a social web world.
IT Analyst/Programmer II
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Profile Image Description
A smiling Mexican-American hombre standing beside a trumpet once belonging to Miles Davis.
Speaker Bio for Danny Nanez
Danny ha trabajado more than 16 years as a Web Applications Developer for the University Libraries at UNC Greensboro. El trabaja on the Digital Library on American Slavery. His previous projects include the NC Digital Online Collection of Knowledge and Scholarship and the North Carolina Literary Map.
Talk: DLAS: UX/UI design considerations for enslavement websites
Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian // Crossref & Metadata Liaison
University of New Brunswick Libraries // Public Knowledge Project
Speaker Bio for Mike Nason
Mike Nason is the Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian at the University of New Brunswick and the Metadata/Crossref Liaison for the Public Knowledge Project. Mike is a loud, passionate advocate of open scholarly infrastructure and has been working in and around library publishing services for over 15 years. He is loud, also.
Talk: Metadata for everyone: Identifying metadata quality issues across cultures
Lead Librarian for UX Strategy
NC State University Libraries
Profile Image Description
Torso shot of a curly-haired, male-presenting person, in profile, wearing a red jacket, thick gloves, glasses, and black facemask, and wielding a longsword in a high guard. In the background is a statue of a bull and, further back, skyscrapers.
Speaker Bio for Andreas Orphanides
Andreas Orphanides is the Lead Librarian for UX Strategy at the NC State University Libraries. His work focuses on developing high-quality, thoughtfully designed technology solutions to support teaching, learning, and information discovery. His professional interests include systems analysis, human factors, and information design. Outside of work, he has too many cats.
Workshop: Fail4Lib 2023
Digital Archive Programmer
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Profile Image Description
Stubbly mid-twenties white male with long, brown hair pulled back out of view. They are wearing round glasses and a slight grin.
Speaker Bio for Tyler Riley
Senior Digital Collections Specialist
Library of Congress
Profile Image Description
Lauren is a white female wearing a grey shirt. Her hair is long, dark blonde, and straight. She is smiling for her first professional headshot with some green trees in the background.
Speaker Bio for Lauren Seroka
Talk: Developing Scripts to Scale Out Open Access E-book Acquisitions at the Library of Congress
Data Migrations Specialist
Profile Image Description
Close-up of Jacob, a white, bald man with a light beard, holding his equally-stoic orange tabby cat named Tree.
Speaker Bio for Jacob Shelby
I'm a data wizard who believes in good metadata and reusable data processes. When I'm not lost in the weeds of a complex data migration or three, you'll find me working out or playing video games. I'm currently giving Witcher 3 a go.
Digital Preservation Librarian
Scholars Portal
Speaker Bio for Julie Shi
Julie Shi is the Digital Preservation Librarian at Scholars Portal, where she coordinates service delivery and development for the Permafrost digital preservation and Ontario Research Library Cloud storage services and supports digital preservation activities for other Scholars Portal services.
Talk: Metadata for everyone: Identifying metadata quality issues across cultures
Speaker Bio for Doug Simon
Talk: International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) infrastructure redesign at Harvard Library
Associate Director for Outreach and Education
HathiTrust Research Center
Speaker Bio for Janet Swatscheno
Janet Swatscheno is the Digital Scholarship Librarian at HathiTrust and Associate Director for Outreach and Education at HTRC. She engages with faculty, academic staff, and students on scholarly computational uses of the HathiTrust collection. Prior to joining HTRC, Janet was the Digital Publishing Librarian at the University of Illinois Chicago and Co-Director of the UIC Digital Humanities Initiative.
Workshop: HathiTrust Research Center Extracted Features API and Visualization Workshop
Director of Digital Projects and Initiatives
UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Profile Image Description
A white woman with short blonde hair smiles broadly. She wears clear-framed glasses and a black blazer with a striped button-down top. Behind her is a wooden bookcase.
Speaker Bio for Elise Tanner
Elise Tanner is the Director of Digital Projects and Initiatives at the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture. She was a Resident of the 2017-2018 cohort of the National Digital Stewardship Residency for Art Information (NDSR Art). Her project was "Planning for Time-Based Media Artwork Preservation at the Philadelphia Museum of Art." She has a Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois.
Digital Humanities Archivist
Michigan State University
Profile Image Description
A woman with long, dark blonde hair and large tortoiseshell glasses smiling in front of a brick building and greenery.
Speaker Bio for Kate Topham
Kate Topham is the Digital Humanities Archivist at Michigan State University. She collaborates on Digital Humanities projects that involve metadata, archives, digital preservation, linked open data, and text analysis. She has served as the digital archivist of the American Religious Sounds Project, data wrangles for the Graphic Possibilities Research Workshop, and recently completed a 2022 LEADING Fellowship at Drexel University.
Talk: Days of Future Past: Examing Race through Comics Metadata
Discovery Systems Librarian
McGill University
Profile Image Description
A young woman with light brown hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a black mock neck tank top is standing in front of a lake.
Speaker Bio for Clara Turp
Clara Turp is a discovery systems librarian at McGill University Libraries. As part of Digital Initiatives, she is involved in managing, configuring, and integrating selected library systems, including, but not limited to the Library's Discovery layers.
Talk: Managing systems with care: What about the maintenance phase?
Software Engineer
California Digital Library
Speaker Bio for Raiden van Bronkhorst
Raiden is a Software Engineer at the California Digital Library with a focus on machine learning applications for library metadata. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from Western Washington University.
Soldering Instructor
Speaker Bio for Daniel Verbit
Daniel Verbit holds a Master of Library and Information Studies degree from The University of Alabama, and serves on the board of the Liberty Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA), and previous chapter chair of the Philadelphia Chapter of the MLA, and a Senior Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals. He has taught soldering to students and at various conferences since 2015, along with community volunteering. In the world of disposable technology having the skill to solder is one part of reducing waste via technology repair. In addition, having soldering classes/skills can reduce the cost of assistive technology for patrons of all ages, and help improve communities.
Workshop: It’s Electric! (How to boogie with a soldering iron, safely)
Cataloging and Metadata Services Fellow
Princeton University Library
Profile Image Description
A Black man with gold earrings and gold glasses
Speaker Bio for Tyler Nathaniel Wade
Tyler Wade catalogs technical reports for the Princeton Plasma Physics Library, and writes quality assurance software tests for scientific data migration at Princeton University Library.
Polyneme LLC
Speaker Bio for Donny Winston
Donny is a consulting engineer who helps research data stewards design and deploy FAIR digital objects and services. He is the owner and principal of Polyneme LLC; a cofounder of the FAIR Points event series; and host of the Machine-Centric Science podcast.
Speaker Bio for Tom Wrobel
Senior Software Engineer
Profile Image Description
A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.
Speaker Bio for Andromeda Yelton
Andromeda Yelton is a software engineer and librarian. Currently she is at JSTOR Labs. Past affiliations include the Library of Congress, SJSU iSchool, Berkman Klein Center, MIT Libraries, Wikimedia Foundation, boards of the Library & Information Technology Association and the Ada Initiative, and a knitting company. Ask her about her cats, weightlifting, or planes.
Interim Head, Assessment & User Experience Strategy
Duke University Libraries
Profile Image Description
A white woman with medium brown hair and eyes stands in front of a stone wall and smiles awkwardly for a professional photo.
Speaker Bio for Angela Zoss
Angela is the Interim Head of the Assessment & User Experience Strategy Department at Duke University Libraries. She has many years of experience in teaching and training, especially around technology. As Duke's first Data Visualization Coordinator, she built a successful visualization service and partnered with various campus entities on visualization-related initiatives. In the Assessment & User Experience Strategy Department, she has taken a leadership role for DUL's data infrastructure and reporting systems. She has contributed to several open source development projects, including FOLIO and Wax, and is a certified instructor for both RStudio and the Carpentries.